1. Please let the office know
2. Please let your realtor know your home is part of a Property Owners Association
3. If you are in escrow make sure your escrow officer knows about the POA
The Rules and Regulations have been
complied as a easy reference for all the
Association Guidelines. Please feel free to
call the office if you have any questions.
Property Owners' Association
est. 1969 in Twin Peaks CA
Strawberry Flat
1. We need people to serve on our board
2. We need help to clean up our common spaces
3. If you have some pictures of our area you would like to share please email them to us at sfpoassoc@gmail.com
Our PC&R's are among the Original documents formulated in 1969 and include all our Articles.
e your paragraph here.
Here are the current Bylaws for you to download and print.
Before you start to Build or Paint
From The Architectural Committee
All members are reminded of the importance of reading the PC& R’s (Association's Protective Covenant and Restriction's): Article V "Use Restrictions” and Article VI "Architectural Control"; as well as the new amended section. Note, the word “structure” by definition means: the manner in which something is constructed, elements of anything organized. Therefore, this would include, but not be limited to fences, walls, sheds, etc. Before you draw up any official plans for exterior work, contact the Association office 909 337-5300 or the Architectural Committee for the best way to implement your idea for your home improvement. There is a common misconception that all an Association homeowner has to do is to contact the San Bernardino County Building and Safety for a permit for home improvement. The Association and the County are two separate entities. County Permit does not take precedence over the Association Protective Covenant and Restriction, and specifically, Article V and VI.
Please also note it is the responsibility of the homeowner to make sure all work completed is on their own property and not on Common Land or a neighbor’s. If you are unsure of your property boundaries, you should get them surveyed. If work is completed and found to be at any point built on Common Land, the homeowner will be required to remove it. If a homeowner does not remove said item, the Association will remove the structure or item and will bill the homeowner for it’s removal.
FIRST: THE ASSOCIATION: Contact the Architectural Committee and fill out the required form (Painting or Structural) download form below and submit it to the Committee for comments, suggestions and approval.
SECOND: THE COUNTY: After receiving approval from the Association, contact the County Office of Building and Safety for their input, code requirements, approvals and the all important Permit Number. REMEMBER: FIRST THE ASSOCIATION SECOND THE COUNTY
The Committee looks forward to working with homeowners each year and expediting your requests for home improvement.
We appreciate your cooperation. Tom Stumpf, Chairman, Architectural Committee Ken Kenega, Steven Miller; Committee Members